Load translations from another project

You can copy translations from another project included in the same project type.

In the target project, the translations are added only to keys without translations (the Translation field is empty, the padlock is locked). Existing translations (the padlock is unlocked, the Translation field is empty or filled in) aren’t overwritten.


You must be assigned the Editor role in the target project and at least the Viewer role in the source project.

To copy translations:

  1. On the Projects page, expand the project type dropdown and click the name of a project to which you want to copy translations.

  2. Select the category to which you want to copy translations and click the Keys link displayed to the right.

Keys link
  1. From the Selected project dropdown displayed for a specific language, select the project from which you want to copy the translations. Only projects containing the selected language and category and where you’re assigned at least the Viewer role are displayed.

You can copy translations for several languages at a time: select a project for each required language.

Copy translations
  1. Click the Import translations displayed to the right to import translations for a specific language, or the Import packages button to load multiple languages at a time.

  2. If needed, repeat for other categories.