Filter keys

To filter translations, while on the translation page, click the funnel icon in the upper-right page corner.

You can filter keys by the following values:

Filter by

The key type. Possible values:

  • Empty keys — the keys for which the Translation field is empty and the padlock icon near the Translation field is unlocked. For such keys, an empty string is displayed in the WebUI even if there is a default translation.

  • Keys without translation — the keys for which the Translation field is empty and the padlock icon near the Translation field is locked. For such keys, a default translation is displayed in the WebUI.

  • New keys in the last 2 weeks — the keys that were added during the last 2 weeks.

  • New keys in the last 4 weeks — the keys that were added during the last 4 weeks.

Created: From

The starting date of the time range within which a key was added.

Created: To

The end date of the time range within which a key was added.

Updated: From

The starting date of the time range within which a key was updated.

Updated: To

The end date of the time range within which a key was updated.


The key identifier from the Key field.


The translation entered for a key in the Translation field.

Translation ENG

The default English translation from the Default Translation (ENG) field.

Click Apply filters to filter the keys list.

To reset filters, click Reset all.